Home Education Word of the Day: cacophony

Word of the Day: cacophony

Word of the Day: cacophony

The word cacophony has appeared in 107 articles on NYTimes.com in the past year, including on Dec. 4 in the guest essay “Finding a Sense of Purpose and Harmony Onstage” by Gustavo Dudamel:

In many ways, the orchestra is the perfect metaphor for the relationship between the individual and society. As the conductor, I am directing the ensemble, and yet I am the only one who doesn’t actually produce any sound. I can share ideas and communicate a vision to the musicians, but I am nothing without them. Each one of us has our own part to play, and yet we also must listen to those around us to make sure that we are creating harmony, not cacophony. Even when we don’t agree with one another, we find a way to work together toward our common goal.

Can you correctly use the word cacophony in a sentence?

Based on the definition and example provided, write a sentence using today’s Word of the Day and share it as a comment on this article. It is most important that your sentence makes sense and demonstrates that you understand the word’s definition, but we also encourage you to be creative and have fun.

If you want a better idea of how cacophony can be used in a sentence, read these usage examples on Vocabulary.com. You can also visit this guide to learn how to use IPA symbols to show how different words are pronounced.

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Students ages 13 and older in the United States and the United Kingdom, and 16 and older elsewhere, can comment. All comments are moderated by the Learning Network staff.

The Word of the Day is provided by Vocabulary.com. Learn more and see usage examples across a range of subjects in the Vocabulary.com Dictionary. See every Word of the Day in this column.


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