Home Language Learning How To Say ‘You Too’ in French: Informal and Formal Options

How To Say ‘You Too’ in French: Informal and Formal Options

How To Say ‘You Too’ in French: Informal and Formal Options

If you’d like to say “you too” in French, you generally have two options: Phrasing it formally, you’d say vous aussi, and informally, you’d say toi aussi. Meaning “also,” aussi is one of the most common French adverbs. Getting a handle on common phrases like “you too” tends to come naturally early on when you learn French (or any other language).

Learning common phrases like this will help you on your way to understanding and speaking everyday French. Rosetta Stone’s Dynamic Immersion methodology teaches you to speak the language, not just memorize the words. What makes it so effective is that it prepares you to use the new language in your everyday life. That way, you’ll be ready to handle any situation with confidence.

Informal ways to say ‘you too’ in French

If you’ve studied tu vs. vous in French, then you know there are two ways to say “you,” and the informal way is to say tu. When you’re speaking to a friend, family member, peer, or someone with whom you have a close relationship, you can reply with toi aussi (pronounced “twah oh-see”). This is helpful for saying “you are, too” in French or “you do, too.”

Here are some examples of how to use this phrase in informal conversations:

  • Tu es très intelligent ! = You’re really smart!
    • Toi aussi ! = You are, too! 
  • Tu parles très bien le français ! = You speak French really well!
    • Toi aussi ! = You do, too! 

You can also say À toi aussi (to you too) when responding to the following well-wishes. It’s more grammatically accurate to use à even though many French speakers may drop it. 

French Pronunciation English
À toi aussi !  Ah twah oh-see! To you as well! 
Bon voyage ! Boh voy ahjz! Have a nice trip! 
Bon week-end ! (France)  Boh wee kend! Have a good weekend!
Bonne année ! Bun ah-nay! Happy New Year!
Bonne chance ! Bun shahnss Good luck!
Bonne fin de semaine ! (Canada)  Bun fehnd smen! Have a good weekend!
Bonne journée !  Bun zjoor nay! Have a nice day!
Bonnes vacances ! Bun vah-cahnss Have a good holiday/vacation!
Joyeux Noël !  Jwey-euh noh-elle Merry Christmas!

You can also extend these well-wishes to your friend’s family, which is considered very polite, by saying et ta famille (and your family). 

  • Bonne année à toi et ta famille aussi ! = Happy New Year to you and your family, too. 

Formal ways to say ‘you too’ in French

French speakers use a formal “you” in many situations. If you’re speaking to a supervisor, a person in authority, someone older than you, or someone you’re meeting for the first time, use vous (you), pronounced “voo” instead of toi. 

  • J’espère que vous passerez un merveilleux week-end. = I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
    • Merci beaucoup, à vous aussi. = Thank you very much, you too

With phrases such as “you too” or ”thank you” in French, you also use vous and its related forms to address more than one person. 

French Pronunciation English
À vous aussi !  Ah voo oh-see! To you, too!
À votre famille aussi !  Ah voh-truh fah-mee oh-see To your family, too!

Placement of ‘you too’ in French sentences

Sometimes the word for “you” in your sentence structure will come as a direct or indirect object pronoun in French. This te or vous can come before the verb, as in the expression Je t’aime (I love you). To reply “I love you, too” in French, you don’t make changes to that part of the sentence. The reply is simply Je t’aime aussi. 

Start your phrase with toi aussi or vous aussi for emphasis, but repeat your subject. “You” as a subject is tu.  

  • Toi aussi, tu es invitée ! = You’re invited, too! 
  • Vous aussi, vous pouvez vous inscrire. = You (all) too, you can sign up. 

Phrases similar to ‘you too’ in French

Some similar and related expressions that might fit your situation best are: 

French Pronunciation English
À toi/vous également. A twah/voo ay-gahl-mah To you, too. Equally to you.
C’est la même chose pour toi/vous.  Say lah mem shohz pooor twah/voo.  It’s the same thing for you. 
De même. Deuh mem. Likewise.
Pareil pour toi/vous. Pah-ray pooor twah/voo.  Similar for you. 
Pareillement. Pah-rey-mehn. Same to you/you too. 

Master everyday French phrases with authentic contexts

Learning everyday expressions and conversational rejoinders like “you too” in French can help you carry on a smooth conversation and make friends who speak French! You’ll be able to return compliments and well-wishes and use correct manners. Rosetta Stone’s tutors and live lessons can help give you the practice you need to socialize with confidence as you learn French. 


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