Home E-Learning Discover Hannah Arendt’s Syllabus for Her 1974 Course on “Thinking”

Discover Hannah Arendt’s Syllabus for Her 1974 Course on “Thinking”

Discover Hannah Arendt’s Syllabus for Her 1974 Course on “Thinking”

If you’ve read one work of Han­nah Arendt’s, it’s prob­a­bly Eich­mann in Jerusalem, her account of the tri­al of the epony­mous Nazi offi­cial — and the source of her much-quot­ed phrase “the banal­i­ty of evil.” That book came out in 1963, at which time Arendt still had a dozen pro­duc­tive years left. In fact, at the time of her sud­den death in 1975, she had in her type­writer the first page of what would have been the third vol­ume of her final work, The Life of the Mind. In its two com­plet­ed vol­umes, she inves­ti­gates the nature of thought and action, a pre­oc­cu­pa­tion with the rela­tion­ship between think­ing and moral­i­ty hav­ing been fired up with­in her at the Eich­mann tri­al.

“The Life of the Mind” also appears atop the syl­labus, recent­ly post­ed by Arendt biog­ra­ph­er Saman­tha Rose Hill, for “206: Think­ing,” a class Arendt taught in 1974 at the New School for Social Research. Encom­pass­ing a range of philoso­phers from Aris­to­tle, Cicero, and Pla­to to Niet­zsche, Wittgen­stein, and Hei­deg­ger (a fig­ure with whom she could claim a more inti­mate famil­iar­i­ty than most), it seems to have offered a rea­son­ably thor­ough sur­vey of the fig­ures we think of when we think of think­ing itself.

Arendt had appar­ent­ly adapt­ed some of the con­tent from the 1973–1974 Gif­ford Lec­tures she had deliv­ered in Aberdeen, which them­selves con­densed mate­r­i­al from her cours­es on “Basic Moral Propo­si­tions,” “Think­ing,” “The His­to­ry of the Will,” and “Kan­t’s Cri­tique of Judg­ment.”

Arendt’s teach­ing at the New School, in “Think­ing” and oth­er cours­es like “Phi­los­o­phy of the Mind,” sheds a bit of light on what would have gone into the unwrit­ten third vol­ume of The Life of the Mind, or at least into the arc of the tril­o­gy as a whole. Vol­umes one and two, drafts of which she put into cir­cu­la­tion among her grad­u­ate stu­dents, were called Think­ing and Will­ing; the third was to have been Judg­ing, by far the thorni­est men­tal activ­i­ty of the set. It would be worth hear­ing from for­mer New School stu­dents of the mid-sev­en­ties who retain any class­room mem­o­ries of what she had to say on the sub­ject. As for the rest of us, we can at least still do all the read­ing for “Think­ing,” then judge for our­selves. You can find the syl­labus on the Library of Con­gress web­site.

via Saman­tha Rose Hill

Relat­ed con­tent:

An Intro­duc­tion to the Life & Thought of Han­nah Arendt: Pre­sent­ed by the BBC Radio’s In Our Time

Large Archive of Han­nah Arendt’s Papers Dig­i­tized by the Library of Con­gress: Read Her Lec­tures, Drafts of Arti­cles, Notes & Cor­re­spon­dence

Take Han­nah Arendt’s Final Exam for Her 1961 Course “On Rev­o­lu­tion”

A Look Inside Han­nah Arendt’s Per­son­al Library: Down­load Mar­gin­a­lia from 90 Books (Hei­deg­ger, Kant, Marx & More)

Han­nah Arendt Explains How Total­i­tar­i­an Regimes Arise–and How We Can Pre­vent Them

Watch Han­nah Arendt’s Final Inter­view (1973)

Based in Seoul, Col­in Marshall writes and broad­casts on cities, lan­guage, and cul­ture. His projects include the Sub­stack newslet­ter Books on Cities and the book The State­less City: a Walk through 21st-Cen­tu­ry Los Ange­les. Fol­low him on the social net­work for­mer­ly known as Twit­ter at @colinmarshall.


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