Home Language Learning 121 Beautiful Spanish Words That Make You Feel As Good As They Sound

121 Beautiful Spanish Words That Make You Feel As Good As They Sound

121 Beautiful Spanish Words That Make You Feel As Good As They Sound

The Spanish language is expressive. From adjectives that mean “beautiful” to powerful verbs that translate to entire phrases in English, Spanish is full of unique and beautiful vocabulary. Plus there are plenty of words that are just fun to say or sound beautiful when they roll off your tongue.

Learning these beautiful Spanish words alongside the basic words you already know can help elevate your communication and impress your speaking partners. Practicing beautiful words in Spanish is a fun drill for your pronunciation and a great introduction to the dynamic language that Spanish is. 

Spanish words for beautiful

Did you know there is more than one Spanish word for “beautiful”? Each synonym is its own beautiful Spanish word. We know that the word “beautiful” is an adjective, which means these words have to follow certain grammar rules in Spanish for gender and number, so use the form that matches the noun it’s describing.

Bello/bella (beautiful)

Meaning: something perfect in its form, pleasing to view or listen to. 

  • El piso tiene una bella vista del mar. = The apartment has a beautiful view of the sea. 

Bonito/bonita (pretty/cute)

Meaning: lovely, pleasant, or cute

  • El paisaje es muy bonito. = The landscape is very lovely

Guapo/guapa (good-looking/attractive)

Meaning: used for an attractive person

  • ¡Qué guapa eres! = How beautiful you are! 

Hermoso/hermosa (beautiful)

Meaning: beautiful, serene, pleasant, or excellent. 

  • El sábado será un día hermoso. = Saturday will be a beautiful day. 

Lindo/linda (pretty)

Meaning: cute, sweet, excellent, lovely

  • ¡Qué falda más linda! = What a pretty skirt!

Mono/mona (cute)

Meaning: a colloquial or slang way to say cute, pretty, or nice, but it could be used sarcastically. (When used as a noun, it also means “monkey.”) 

  • Mi amiga me dio un regalo muy mono. = My friend gave me a really cute gift. 

Precioso/preciosa (beautiful)

Meaning: beautiful, gorgeous, lovely, or valuable

  • Su bebé es tan precioso. = Her baby is so beautiful

Other beautiful Spanish adjectives

Now that you know several possible Spanish words for beautiful, elevate your descriptions with these beautiful Spanish adjectives. Many English words that begin with “sp-” or “st-” will begin with an “e” in Spanish, just like the words español (Spanish) and estadounidense (United States)

Spanish English
agraciado/agraciada charming/graceful
agradecido/agradecida thankful/grateful
brillante shiny/sparkling
caprichoso/caprichosa whimsical
cautivador/cautivadora captivating
dotado/dotada gifted/talented
emocionante exciting
esplendoroso/esplendorosa brilliant/radiant
estrepitoso/estrepitosa thunderous/resounding
estupendo/estupenda stupendous
favorecido/favorecida favored
floreciente flourishing/blooming
majestuoso/majestuosa majestic/breathtaking
resplandeciente shimmering/dazzling
risueño/risueña smiling/beaming/cheerful
sobresaliente outstanding

Describe colors beautifully in Spanish

Colors are adjectives, too. The ones that come from other Spanish nouns such as flowers or minerals are invariable, meaning they don’t change to match the gender of the noun. Use some of the Spanish words for colors to go beyond azul (blue), blanco (white) and rojo (red). 

Spanish English
borgoña burgundy
caramelo caramel
celeste sky blue
ciruela plum
crema cream
escarlata scarlet (intense red) 
lavanda lavender
lila lilac
perla pearl
plata silver
magenta magenta
turquesa turquoise
verde esmeralda emerald green

Beautiful Spanish verbs with broad meanings

woman with hot drink sitting on mountain near a lake in patagonia

The Spanish language is rich with efficient verbs that communicate entire English phrases in just one word. Use these beautiful Spanish verbs to explain the events of your day. 


Meaning: to bundle up with warmth/protect from cold

  • La madre abrigó a su niña para salir a la nieve. = The mother bundled her daughter up to go out in the snow. 


Meaning: to have lunch 

  • Los estudiantes almuerzan en la cantina. = The students eat lunch in the cafeteria.


Meaning: to make the most of

  • ¡Aprovecha toda la experiencia! = Make the most of the experience!


Meaning: to have/eat dinner

  • ¿A qué hora vamos a cenar? = At what time are we eating dinner?


Meaning: to have/eat breakfast

  • ¿Has desayunado? = Have you eaten breakfast


Meaning: to brag/to show off/to toot your own horn

  • Antes del partido, el otro equipo estaba fantarroneando. = Before the game the other team was talking trash


Meaning: to wear or use something for the first time/to “debut”

  • Me gusta mucho el vestido. ¿Lo estrenas? = I like your dress a lot. Are you wearing it for the first time


Meaning: to miss someone

  • Te extraño mucho. = I miss you so much. 


Meaning: to wake up early in the morning

  • Me voy a dormir porque mañana tengo que madrugar. = I’m going to sleep because tomorrow I have to wake up early


Meaning: to have an afternoon snack/to have tea (UK)

  • Merendamos a las 15. = We have a light afternoon meal at 3pm. 


Meaning: to give something as a gift

  • Mis padres me regalaron estos palos de golf. = My parents gave me these golf clubs as a gift.


Meaning: to stay up all night long/go to bed very late

  • Voy a echarme una siesta. He trasnochado. = I’m going to take a nap. I stayed up really late.


Meaning: to address someone as or informally. The opposite would be tratar de usted (to address someone using usted or formally). 

  • Es típico tutear a los niños pequeños. = It’s typical to address small children using tú. 

More beautiful Spanish verbs to make your day

Add to your repertoire of common Spanish verbs with these beautiful Spanish words for positive and productive actions. They’ll make you feel good just saying them. 

Spanish English
alentar to cheer on/to encourage
aliviar to relieve/to ease
arreglar to straighten out/to repair/to resolve
consolarse to seek comfort/to console
descansar to rest
despejar to clear up/to resolve
desahogarse to vent/to let off steam
embellecer to beautify/to embellish
enriquecer to enrich
fortalecer to strengthen/to uplift
mejorar to improve
recuperarse to recover
tranquilizar to calm down/to quiet

Beautiful Spanish nouns for inspiration

These Spanish nouns for beautiful ideas use the definite article el/la (the) in Spanish. It’s not common to do this in English for general concepts, but a sentence in Spanish would sound incomplete without it. 

el abrazo

Meaning: hug

When you wrap someone up in your brazos (arms), it’s an abrazo (hug). 

la alegría

Meaning: joy, cheerfulness

This noun also refers to a Mexican dulce (sweet) made of miel (honey) and amaranto (amaranth).

el beso

Meaning: a kiss

In many countries including Argentina and Ecuador, people greet both strangers and acquaintances with a light air kiss near the cheek. In Spain it’s los dos besos (two kisses, one on each cheek). You can end a letter to a friend with besitos (little kisses).

el cariño

Meaning: affection, care, expression of love

This word can be used as a term of endearment, such as “honey” or “darling” in English.

el descanso

Meaning: rest

When you’re cansada (tired) you might need some rest. Put the Spanish prefix des- in front of cansar (to tire or exhaust) and you get descansar (to rest).

la generosidad

Meaning: generosity

You’ll notice that many Spanish nouns end in -dad. These suffixes usually correspond to -ty in English, as in generosity, or la prosperidad (prosperity) or la honestidad (sense of honor or integrity). 

la paz

Meaning: peace

The hope of many nations would be for la paz. One of Bolivia’s capitals is named La Paz, and the other is Sucre.

la sonrisa

Meaning: the smile

One might have “una sonrisa de oreja a oreja” (a smile from ear to ear) when glad to see a friend, or when having their picture taken. You can encourage a smile for the camera by saying ¡sonríe!, or in Spain “¡patata!” (potato!) also works.

Spanish English
la amabilidad kindness
la amistad friendship
el amor love
el arte art
la belleza beauty
la bondad goodness
la comprensión understanding
la confianza confidence
el encanto charm/loveliness
la energía energy
la esperanza hope
la familia family
la fe faith
la fuerza strength
la gracia grace/charm
la inspiración inspiration
la libertad liberty/freedom
la maravilla wonder
la música music
el optimismo optimism
la paciencia patience
el perdón forgiveness
la poesía poetry
la positividad positivity
la prosperidad prosperity
la risa laughter
la salud health
la tranquilidad tranquility
el valor courage
la vida life

How to pronounce beautiful words in Spanish

hispanic son and father with guitar singing about beautiful spanish words

Sometimes words for commonplace things sound impressive in Spanish, and you might feel a sense of accomplishment by pronouncing them well. Spanish vowels are your friend, here. All Spanish vowels are pronounced the same way every time, so there’s no need to worry about too many vowel combinations or diphthongs in these beautiful Spanish words. 

Spanish Vowel Pronunciation
a ah
e ey
i ee
o oh
u oo

Now use Spanish pronunciation for the rest of the letters to break down long and complicated Spanish words into each syllable. Follow these rules on which syllable to stress: 

  1. the syllable with an accent mark like á or é, as in miércoles (Wednesday) or sábado
  2. the second to last syllable if the word ends in a vowel, n or s, as in martes (Tuesday) or agosto (August)
  3. the last syllable if the word ends in a consonant other than n or s, as in abril (April) 

Try pronouncing these complicated looking words. Not only are they not as difficult as you think, they might sound more beautiful and impressive in Spanish. The suffix -mente is equivalent to “-ly” in English.

Spanish English
el alrededor the surroundings
la autoevaluación the self-assessment
desafortunadamente unfortunately 
extraordinariamente extraordinarily
insuficientemente insufficiently
el murciélago the bat (animal)
puertorriqueño/puertorriqueña Puerto Rican
ronronrear to purr

Cool-sounding compound nouns in Spanish

Some multisyllable words in Spanish are compound nouns—they are made by combining two or more words. Learning them is like a three-for-one deal.

el atrapasueños

This craft is often sold at artisan markets. It’s called a dream catcher as it’s believed that the object will atrapar (to catch/to capture) your sueños (dreams), protecting you from pesadillas (nightmares) in your sleep. 

el espantapájaros

This word means “scarecrow” and is formed from the verb espantar (to frighten/to scare) and pájaros (birds). 

el girasol

A flower that can girar (to turn) toward el sol (the sun), this word means “sunflower.”

el guardaespaldas

This word combines guardar (to keep/to watch over) and espaldas (backs) to create “bodyguard.”

el paraguas

This compound noun is useful! You hold an umbrella to parar (to stop) the aguas (waters) that fall from the sky. 

el rascacielos

Very tall buildings are called skyscrapers because they seem to rascar (to scratch/to scrape) the cielos (skies/heavens).

Spanish English
el cascanueces the nutcracker
el hispanohablante the Spanish speaker
el lavaplatos the dishwasher
el limpiaparabrisas the windshield wiper
el quitamanchas the stain remover
el sujetapapeles the paperclip/the clipboard
la telaraña the spiderweb

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Enrich your vocabulary with beautiful words in Spanish

If you want to not only learn new beautiful Spanish words but also remember them with ease, let Rosetta Stone help. Our Dynamic Immersion method will put these pretty Spanish words into meaningful contexts to help your brain acquire them naturally. These and other Spanish words will roll off your tongue and help you speak Spanish with confianza (confidence). 


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