I need help with postfix. Testing with this command:
echo "test email" | mail -s "test email" [email protected]```
Doesn’t produce output in /var/mail/jeff
postfix is running:
sudo postfix status
postfix/postfix-script: the Postfix mail system is running: PID: 8781
I also don’t see postfix log activity in /var/log/ or via:
sudo log stream --predicate 'sender == "postfix"'
My main.cf file is included.
compatibility_level = 2
queue_directory = /private/var/spool/postfix
command_directory = /usr/sbin
daemon_directory = /usr/libexec/postfix
data_directory = /var/lib/postfix
mail_owner = _postfix
unknown_local_recipient_reject_code = 550
sendmail_path = /usr/sbin/sendmail
newaliases_path = /usr/bin/newaliases
mailq_path = /usr/bin/mailq
setgid_group = _postdrop
html_directory = /usr/share/doc/postfix/html
manpage_directory = /usr/share/man
sample_directory = /usr/share/doc/postfix/examples
readme_directory = /usr/share/doc/postfix
message_size_limit = 10485760
mailbox_size_limit = 0
biff = no
inet_interfaces = all
inet_protocols = ipv4
myhostname = m1.lan
mydestination = m1.lan, localhost.localdomain, localhost
myorigin = m1.lan
relayhost =
mynetworks =
mailbox_size_limit = 0
recipient_delimiter = +
default_transport = smtp
relay_transport = smtp
smtpd_relay_restrictions = permit_mynetworks, reject_unauth_destination
smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_mynetworks, reject_unauth_destination