Home E-Learning When Leonard Cohen Guest Starred on Miami Vice (1986)

When Leonard Cohen Guest Starred on Miami Vice (1986)

When Leonard Cohen Guest Starred on Miami Vice (1986)

Leonard Cohen was Canada’s answer to Bob Dylan. While best known per­haps as a singer-song­writer who penned the tune “Hal­lelu­jah” — which was cov­ered by Jeff Buck­ley, John Cale and just about every­one else under the sun — he was also at vary­ing points in his col­or­ful life a poet, a nov­el­ist, a law stu­dent and a Zen monk. Well, you can add to this list guest star on Mia­mi Vice. Yes. Mia­mi Vice, Michael Mann’s decade-defin­ing crime series that some­how made stub­ble, pas­tel col­ors and Don John­son cool.

Appear­ing on the episode “French Twist,” Cohen plays Fran­cois Zolan, a French secret ser­vice agent who is up to no good. Though he’s in the episode for only a cou­ple of min­utes and almost all of it on the phone, Cohen just man­ages to ooze men­ace. You can see him and some tru­ly breath­tak­ing exam­ples of ‘80s fash­ion in the clip above.

Mia­mi Vice had a habit of cast­ing music icons. Lit­tle Richard, Frank Zap­pa, Miles Davis, Willie Nel­son, and Eartha Kitt also appeared in the series. But, unlike Cohen, they didn’t act in French.

Below you can see a mon­tage of 20 rock stars who appeared on Mia­mi Vice dur­ing its run.

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Relat­ed Con­tent:

When Frank Zap­pa & Miles Davis Played a Drug Deal­er and a Pimp on Mia­mi Vice

The Poet­ry of Leonard Cohen Illus­trat­ed by Two Short Films

How Leonard Cohen & David Bowie Faced Death Through Their Art: A Look at Their Final Albums

Young Leonard Cohen Reads His Poet­ry in 1966 (Before His Days as a Musi­cian Began)

Jonathan Crow is a writer and film­mak­er whose work has appeared in Yahoo!, The Hol­ly­wood Reporter, and oth­er pub­li­ca­tions. You can fol­low him at @jonccrow


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