Home Education Blue Apple Classroom Culture Timely Topic: 5 Free Activities

Blue Apple Classroom Culture Timely Topic: 5 Free Activities

Blue Apple Classroom Culture Timely Topic: 5 Free Activities

Whether you’re just beginning your school year or already settling into your routine, it’s important to invest time in building a positive classroom culture. This month’s Blue Apple Timely Topic, Start Strong With Classroom Community (for grades K-8), has you covered with five 15-minute activities all focused on classroom community. You can do one lesson or pick and choose. The choice is yours! 

We’re big fans of Timely Topics, and they’re even better now that they’re differentiated by grade bands K-2, 3-5, and 6-8. Each month, VAI Education provides FREE Blue Apple Timely Topics with at least four lessons connected to current events. These research-based and classroom-tested lessons are designed to engage students and save teachers time while boosting student curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking.

Be sure to check out these awesome ready-to-go activities, like their Start Strong With Classroom Community Timely Topic. You won’t regret it!

P.S. For your professional development needs, check out VAI Education’s Flex PD. 

From Start Strong With Classroom Community

Lesson #1: Model Behavior

Five colored sticky notes with scenarios for Model Behavior activity
Blue Apple

What it’s all about: Part of building community is learning to work through problems successfully. In this activity, students use classroom materials to build models for challenging scenarios they have experienced with their peers. Then, they replay the scenario and work through possible outcomes.

Why kids will love it: To build their models, kids can use all kinds of materials, like straws, pipe cleaners, math manipulatives, blocks, animal figures, paper clips, or even small items from home.

Don’t miss: The reflection questions on the final slide. For example, “Did you learn something new about someone in your group? Explain.”

Lesson #2: The Baboons’ Dilemma

What it’s all about: This ingenious game is all about the power of cooperation. Students play with partners, and each player makes a choice: cooperate or betray. The game is built to help kids see, in a very concrete way, how working together isn’t just better for the group—it’s better for the individual, too. 

Why kids will love it: The surprise at the end! After playing several rounds, the big secret is revealed: If they had just cooperated the whole time, EVERYONE would have come out ahead.

Don’t miss: The YouTube video explaining the game (there’s also a slideshow if you prefer).

Lesson #3: Engineering Trust

Spaghetti and marshmallow tower
Sarah Cason for We Are Teachers

What it’s all about: This engineering challenge promotes collaboration, positive interdependence, and trust building. There are five different challenges, from Spaghetti Skyscraper (build the tallest freestanding tower that can hold a marshmallow) to Paper Drop (create a falling device that stays in the air the longest and hits closest to the target).

Why kids will love it: STEM challenges are all the rage.

Don’t miss: The Cre8 challenge. Kids get to choose eight random items and make … something! We love how open-ended it is.

Lesson #4: Crafting Our Classroom

What it’s all about: Setting the expectations we have for ourselves and each other is another essential step in building positive classroom culture. In Part One of this activity, students work to build social norms that develop into a classroom contract. Part Two has students take those norms and craft a collage around what each can look like.

Why kids will love it: We all know students have more buy-in when they have a say.

Don’t miss: The collage examples at every grade band. You can even do an electronic one using Google Slides or PowerPoint.

Lesson #5: Made for Me

Finished friendship bracelets and supplies
Sarah Cason for We Are Teachers

What it’s all about: One of the best things about starting a new school year is the opportunity to meet new friends. In this activity, students pair up and interview each other. Using what they learned, they craft a creation that is meaningful to their classmate.

Why kids will love it: They get to make something cool and a new friend? Win-win!

Don’t miss: The gift idea inspiration photos on the final slide.

Ready to try these activities? Download the Start Strong With Classroom Community Timely Topic lessons.

And be sure to check out all of Blue Apple’s free Timely Topic lessons available as well. New lessons are added all the time!

In this Blue Apple Classroom Culture Timely Topic, you'll find 5 mini-lessons for students in grades K-2, 3-5, and 6-8!


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