Home Language Learning 300+ Important Spanish Words for Beginners To Know

300+ Important Spanish Words for Beginners To Know

300+ Important Spanish Words for Beginners To Know

If you’re just beginning to learn basic Spanish words or if you’re dusting off those years of study in the distant past, you’re probably looking for the most useful and common Spanish vocabulary words. Especially if your time is limited by a busy schedule or an upcoming trip, you want to learn the words that will have the biggest impact on your ability to comprehend and speak Spanish

We’ve put together over 300 easy Spanish words that will be sure to impress native speakers and make you proud of your progress as a beginner!

Spanish words for people 

Spanish words for people are helpful for identifying humans. If you learn only one, learn una persona (a person). It’s useful for males or females of any age. It’s a Spanish cognate, a word that looks like an English word and means the same thing, so it will be easy to remember! For more than one person, you can use the plural las personas, or the singular word la gente (people). 

Spanish  English
un abuelo/una abuela a grandfather/a grandmother
un amigo/una amiga a friend
una chica a girl
un chico a boy
la gente people
un hermano/una hermana a brother/a sister
un hijo/una hija a son/a daughter
un hombre a man
un invitado/una invitada a guest
una madre/Mamá a mother/mom
una mujer a woman
un niño/una niña a child 
un padre/Papá a father/dad
una persona a person
un primo/una prima a cousin
un tío/una tía an uncle/an aunt
un vecino/una vecina a neighbor

>>Use Spanish subject pronouns to refer to people.

Spanish words for greetings and polite conversation

Showing your manners will go a long way when you begin conversing in Spanish. You don’t need to be perfect when you’re trying out new words in Spanish. Native Spanish speakers will appreciate your attempt to use their language, especially if you’re making an effort to be polite. Know how to say hello in Spanish and a few easy phrases, and you’re on your way to making polite small talk. 

Spanish  English
adiós Goodbye
buenas noches Good evening
buenas tardes Good afternoon
buenos días Hello/Good morning (use until lunch) 
con permiso excuse me (to get through a space)
de nada you’re welcome
disculpe/disculpa excuse me 
gracias thank you
lo siento I’m sorry
mucho gusto. Nice to meet you. 
perdón/perdone/perdona excuse me/I’m sorry
por favor please
Señor sir
Señora ma’am 
Señorita miss 

Question words in Spanish

If it’s a simple (yes) or no (no) you’re looking for, make your statement into a question with the inflection of your voice or use of the double question marks in written Spanish. Master these interrogatives and question words in Spanish and you’ll be on your way to getting information, making plans, asking for help, and navigating travel on your own.

Spanish  English
¿A qué hora?  At what time? 
¿Cómo? How?
¿Con quién? With whom? 
¿Cuándo? When?
¿Cuánto/cuánta? How much? 
¿Cuántos/cuántas? How many?
¿Cuánto cuesta? How much does it cost?
¿Hay…? Is there…?/Are there…?
¿Dónde? Where?
¿Por qué?  Why? 
Porque Because
¿Qué? What?
¿Quién? Who?

>> What’s up with the upside-down question mark in Spanish? 

Time and numbers in Spanish

Once you’ve mastered counting in Spanish, there are a few key phrases to master when it comes to la hora (time) and los números (numbers) so that you’ll be puntual (punctual). 

Telling time

The basics of telling time in Spanish are pretty simple. You can use son las to tell what time it is and a las to say “at a certain time.” Times that begin with one o’clock are the exception, as they use the singular verb forms es la (It’s) and a la (at) instead. 

Many organizations and regions use a 24-hour clock instead of a.m. and p.m. It begins at medianoche (midnight) with 0:00 and continues until mediodía (noon) at 12:00. Instead of starting over, it continues until 23:59 (one minute before midnight). 

Spanish  English
¿A qué hora?  At what time? 
A la una At one o’clock
A las # At # o’clock
A mediodía At noon
A medianoche At midnight
…y media half past/:30
…y cuarto quarter past/:15
…menos cuarto quarter to/fifteen minutes before the hour
…en punto on the dot/exactly
¿Qué hora es?  What time is it? 
Es la una It’s one o’clock
Son las # It’s # o’clock
de la mañana in the morning
de la tarde in the afternoon
de la noche in the evening

Numbers in Spanish

These Spanish words for numbers will help you with the date, time, prices, route numbers, and quantities of all kinds. Up until 29, double digit numbers are written as one word. After that, they use a three-word construction like treinta y ocho (38). 

Spanish  English
cero zero
uno one
dos two
tres three
cuatro four
cinco five
seis six
siete seven
ocho eight
nueve nine
diez ten
once eleven
doce twelve
trece thirteen
catorce fourteen
quince fifteen
dieciséis sixteen
diecisiete seventeen
dieciocho eighteen
diecinueve nineteen
veinte twenty
veintiuno twenty-one
veintidós twenty-two
veintitrés twenty-three
treinta thirty
cuarenta forty
cincuenta fifty
sesenta sixty
setenta seventy
ochenta eighty
noventa ninety
cien one hundred

Places in the community

Use your Spanish words for places in the community during sightseeing, entertainment, or errands. This vocabulary for common buildings and landmarks can help you find your way around la ciudad (the city). 

Spanish  English
el aeropuerto the airport
el apartamento/el piso the apartment/flat
el banco the bank
el bar the bar/pub
la biblioteca the library
la calle the street
la casa the house
el cine the movie theater
la ciudad the city
el colegio/la escuela the school
el estadio the stadium
la farmacia the pharmacy
el hospital the hospital
el hotel the hotel
la librería the bookstore
el mercado the market
el museo the museum
el parque the park
el restaurante the restaurant
el supermercado the supermarket
el teatro the theater
la tienda the store/the shop
la universidad the college/university

Spanish words for household items

modern interior apartment with breakfast on table

Your immediate environment is a great place to practice Spanish words. Take a trip around your casa (house) and name each room. Name or label everyday objects to really master the basic Spanish nouns for things in el hogar (the home). 

Rooms of the house

The cuartos (rooms) of the house have specific names that often link to verbs in Spanish for the actions that take place there. Notice the connections to strengthen your vocabulary. 

  • cocinar (to cook) — la cocina (the kitchen) 
  • comer (to eat) — el comedor (the dining room) 
  • dormir (to sleep) — el dormitorio (the bedroom) 
  • bañarse (to bathe) — el baño (the bathroom) 
  • estar (to be) — la sala de estar (the living room) 
Spanish  English
el ático the attic
el baño the bathroom
la cocina the kitchen
el comedor the dining room
el dormitorio/el cuarto/la habitación the bedroom
la escalera the staircase
el garaje the garage
el hogar the home
el jardín the yard/the garden
el salón/la sala (de estar) the living room
el sótano the basement

Common household items

These Spanish nouns are essential for everyday living. The specifics can vary between regions, but the basic Spanish words we’ve included below are usually understood. 

Spanish  English
la bañera/la tina the bath/the tub
unas botas boots
la cama the bed
la ducha the shower
la escalera the staircase
el fregadero the kitchen sink
el inodoro/el retrete the toilet
la lámpara the lamp
el lavabo the sink
la lavadora the washing machine
el lavaplatos the dishwasher
la mesa the table
la secadora the dryer
la silla the chair
el sillón the armchair
el sofá the sofa

Words for clothing

Words in Spanish for la ropa (clothing) are as varied as fashion items themselves. What’s called a camiseta (tshirt) in one country could be a playera in another. Spanish speakers from around the world will often laugh at the variety in their own language. English speakers can relate when we consider “pants” vs “trousers” or “sweater” vs “jumper.” This list of standard words should serve as a basic Spanish word list from which to accessorize your vocabulary. 

Spanish  English
un abrigo a coat
una blusa a blouse
una bufanda a scarf
unos calcetines socks
una camisa a button up/dress shirt
una camiseta a t-shirt 
una chaqueta a jacket/outer layer
un cinturón a belt
una corbata a tie
una falda a skirt
unos jeans/unos vaqueros jeans
un pantalón/unos pantalones pants/trousers
un pijama pajamas 
unos pantalones cortos/un short shorts
unas sandalias sandals
una sudadera a sweatshirt
un suéter/un jersey a sweater/jumper
un traje a suit
un traje de baño/un bañador a bathing suit
un vestido a dress
unos zapatos shoes

Words for nature and animals

cat sitting on tiled roof in barcelona as part of spanish words

Learning a few words in Spanish for the outdoors can help you enjoy la naturaleza (nature) and talk about the living things there. 


Spending time al aire libre (outdoors/in the fresh air) is not only good for your salud (health) and bienestar (well-being), but it’s also a great list of Spanish words for beginners.

Spanish  English
un árbol a tree
el bosque a forest
el cielo  the sky
una estrella a star
un lago a lake
un mar a sea
una montaña a mountain
el río the river
el sol the sun
la tierra the land


The names of los animales (animals) form a fun list of Spanish words for beginners, just like when you were learning your first language! Learn the words for animals in Spanish to refer to creatures in the wild, on the farm, and in your home. 

Spanish  English
el caballo the horse
el cerdo the pig
el gato/la gata the cat
la mascota the pet
el oso the bear
la oveja the sheep
el pájaro the bird
el pato the duck
el perro/la perra the dog
la rana the frog
la serpiente the snake
el toro the bull
la vaca the cow

Common adjectives in Spanish

Adjectives are essential for describing your surroundings. Your speech will be more lively if you can integrate some of the most common Spanish adjectives. The adjectives in this list show up a menudo (often) on lists of beginner Spanish words. Adjectives agree in gender and number with the noun they are describing, following Spanish grammar rules. 

Spanish  English
abierto/abierta open
aburrido/aburrida boring/bored
alto/alta tall
bajo/baja short (height)
barato/barata inexpensive
bonito/bonita cute
bueno/buena good
caro/cara expensive
cerrado/cerrada closed
corto/corta short (length)
dificil difficult
fácil easy
feliz happy
feo/fea ugly
fuerte strong
grande big
guapo/guapa good-looking/attractive (person) 
impresionante amazing/impressive
largo/larga long 
lindo/linda pretty
malo/mala bad
nervioso/nerviosa nervous
nuevo/nueva new
pequeño/pequeña small
tímido/tímida shy
tranquilo/tranquila calm
triste sad

Colors in Spanish

The colors of the arcoíris (rainbow) follow the same Spanish grammatical gender rules as other adjectives, so some spellings have a masculine and a feminine form, except for the ones that originated from flowers or other nouns, like crema (cream), rosa (pink from “rose”), naranja (orange) and lila (lilac). These are “invariable,” meaning they have only one form. 

This is the most basic list of color words in Spanish, but it’s fun to expand on all of the different shades once you’ve mastered this list. 

Spanish  English
rojo/roja red
anaranjado/anaranjada orange
amarillo/amarilla yellow
verde green
azul blue
morado/morada purple
negro/negra black
blanco/blanca white
gris gray
café brown
rosado/rosada pink

Words for taking action

Verbs are the action of the sentence, like correr (to run). These are some of the most helpful and common Spanish verbs to express action, but the more action verbs in Spanish you’re able to use, the more dynamic your conversations will be. 

Spanish  English
bailar to dance
beber to drink 
cambiar to change
caminar to walk
cantar to sing
cocinar to cook
comer to eat
comprar to buy
correr to cook
dibujar to draw
dormir to sleep
encontrar to find
escribir to write
escuchar to listen to
hablar to speak/to talk
jugar to play a sport or game
leer to read
manejar to drive
mirar to look at/to watch
saltar to jump
tocar to play an instrument/to touch
tomar to take/to drink
traer to bring
volar to fly

Spanish occupations

teacher with student at table teaching spanish words

These words for empleo (employment) often have two forms—masculine and feminine—so that you can use the correct one to refer to a specific person. Spain’s guide for inclusive language details ways to refer to these professions in a general way.

Spanish words that end in -ista do not have another form. The articles el and la tell you the gender, as in dentista (dentist) and electricista (electrician). 

Spanish  English
el abogado/la abogada the lawyer
el/la agente/representante the agent/representative
el arquitecto/la arquitecta the architect
el/la artista the artist
el bombero/la bombera the firefighter
el carpintero/la carpintera the carpenter
el cocinero/la cocinera/el chef the cook/the chef
el conductor/la conductora the driver
el contable/el contador/la contadora the accountant
el/la dentista the dentist
el/la deportista/atleta the athlete
el doctor/la doctora the doctor
el/la electricista the electrician
el empleado/la empleada the employee
el enfermero/la enfermera the nurse
el ingeniero/la ingeniera the engineer
el jefe/la jefa the boss
el juez/la jueza the judge
el maestro/la maestra the teacher
el obrero/la obrera the worker
el panadero/la panadera the baker
el presidente/la presidenta the president
el profesor/la profesora the teacher/the professor

Words for la comida (food) and meals are crucial if you’re going to order food in Spanish, visit the mercado (market) or share a meal with Spanish-speakers. Learn a few of your favorites so you can eat well! 


You’ll never be done learning vocabulary for food and popular dishes in Spanish. Start with the basic Spanish words for various ingredients, and expand to the traditional dishes for specific holidays, such as Day of the Dead foods to make your next celebration stand out.

Spanish English
el aguacate/la palta the avocado
el arroz the rice
la banana/el plátano the banana
la carne the meat
la cebolla the onion
la ensalada the salad
los frijoles the beans
los huevos the eggs
la leche the milk
la lechuga the lettuce
el maís the corn
la manzana the apple
el pan bread
la papa/la patata the potato
el pescado the fish 
la piña the pineapple
el pollo the chicken
el queso the cheese
la sandía the watermelon
el tomate/el jitomate the tomato


This list of basic table settings will help you ask for what you need at a restaurant or at someone’s home. An easy way to ask would be, ¿Me trae…? (Will you bring me…?). Don’t forget to add por favor (please). 

Spanish English
la cuenta the check
la cuchara the spoon
el cuchillo the knife
el menú the menu
la mesa the table
el plato the dish
la servilleta the napkin
la taza the mug
el tenedor the fork
el vaso the glass

Beautiful Spanish words

If you need words to lighten your mood, learn a few unique and beautiful Spanish words. 

Spanish English
la amabilidad kindness
la belleza beauty
la dulzura sweetness
el florecimiento flourishing
la gracia grace/charm
la hermosura beauty
la maravilla the wonder/the beu
la paloma dove
la paz peace
la prosperidad prosperity
la tranquilidad tranquility

Spanish words to express love

Spanish is indeed a “romance” language, meaning it derived from Latin, the language of the Romans. It is also a romantic language filled with words for love. 

Spanish English
un abrazo/abrazar a hug/to hug
la amistad friendship
el amor love
el amor a primera vista love at first sight
besitos “little kisses” (a good way to end a note/letter to someone you’re close to). 
un beso/dar besos a kiss/to kiss
el cariño affection
el corazón the heart
enamorarse to fall in love
Te amo/Te quiero. I love you.
Te extraño./Te echo de menos. I miss you. 
Eres el/la mejor.  You’re the best. 
Eres un sol. You’re a sunshine. 
Eres un tesoro. You’re a treasure. 
Estoy enamorado/enamorada. I’m in love.
Estoy loco/loca (de amor) por ti.  I’m crazy for you. 
Mi vida My life

Longest Spanish words

You might even challenge yourself to pronounce super long and intimidating words, that is if you don’t suffer from hipopotomonstrosesquipedaliofobia, unofficially the longest word in Spanish, meaning “the fear of long words.” 

If you’re confident with pronouncing the Spanish alphabet, try more challenging vocabulary by breaking words down syllable by syllable. Impress even native speakers by saying the official longest word in Spanish, electroencefalografistas (specialists in brain imaging).

Many of the longest words in Spanish are medical terms or are base words made longer with extra Spanish prefixes and suffixes. 

Spanish English
anticonstitucionalmente anti constitutionally
contrarrevolucionario/contrarrevolucionaria counterrevolutionary
desafortunadamente unfortunately
desproporcionadamente disproportionately
electroencefalografistas specialists in brain imagine
esternocleidomastoideo a specific muscle in the neck
internacionalización internationalization 
otorrinolaringológico/otorrinolaringológica ear, nose, and throat specialist

Master more words in Spanish with Rosetta Stone

These 300+ basic Spanish words are a great start for beginner learners. Vocabulary lists are a helpful resource to reference when you’re studying or checking in on your progress. A variety of parts of speech in Spanish, such as nouns, verbs, and adjectives will help you communicate in all kinds of everyday situations. 

Even people with excellent memorization skills will surely forget most of the words they’ve learned unless they use and see them in meaningful contexts. That’s why Rosetta Stone’s Dynamic Immersion method will show you this vocabulary and so much more in connection with images, phrases, sentences, and stories, to ensure these words are yours to keep.


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