Home Apple vi – How to open file paths in vim using [[hints.enabled]] Alacritty

vi – How to open file paths in vim using [[hints.enabled]] Alacritty

vi – How to open file paths in vim using [[hints.enabled]] Alacritty

I am using Alacritty terminal for quite some time and it has a great feature to follow hyperlinks when clicking Ctrl+Shift+U. I am using MAC so a default program is open.

Iam trying to add one more section

command = "vim" # On Linux/BSD
# command = "open" # On macOS
# command = { program = "cmd", args = [ "/c", "start", "" ] } # On Windows
hyperlinks = false
post_processing = true
persist = false
mouse.enabled = true
binding = { key = "F", mods = "Control|Shift" }
regex = '(\n|.)*/\.[^/]*[^~]'

The goal would be pretty straightforward. If Alacritty finds on a current focused terminal
paths like lines below, I would like to follow them with vim.

~/path/to/file.(whatever suffix)
../path/to/file.(whatever suffix)
path/to/file.(whatever suffix)

Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
        modified:   .terraform.lock.hcl
        modified:   main.tf

Any ideas ?

The problem is that even if I see in logs
[DEBUG] [alacritty] Launched vim with args ["~/path/to/some/file.yaml"]
nothing really happens. File is not getting opened in Alacritty with Vim.



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