Home Education 4 Recipes Plus Free Worksheet

4 Recipes Plus Free Worksheet

4 Recipes Plus Free Worksheet

Slime is the perfect activity to keep kids busy and entertained both at school and at home. Read on to see how to make glitter slime, fluffy slime, butter slime, and 2-ingredient slime, as well as our reviews of which slime recipe we think is best! Plus, fill out the form on this page to grab your free recording sheet.

What does the slime activity teach?

Slime only requires a few ingredients, perfect for teaching kids about basic chemistry while providing an easy sensory experience. Additionally, making slime can refine fine-motor skills and help with hand-eye coordination. There are many benefits to making slime (aside from how fun it is!).

Slime activity videos and tutorials

Glitter Slime Recipe

To make glitter slime, you will need glue, contact lens solution, baking soda, and glitter. Even though this recipe seems messy, it is much simpler than you think with minimal clean-up. Plus, the result is a beautiful slime!

Fluffy Slime Recipe

This slime turns out great and is SO fun to play with! For ingredients, you will need glue, contact lens solution, baking soda, shaving cream, and food coloring. Follow along with our technique for the best results. You won’t regret it!

Butter Slime Recipe

This slime recipe does not include butter, although you may think it does because of how soft and smooth the results are. To make butter slime, you will need glue, contact lens solution, baking soda, food coloring, hand lotion, and modeling clay.

Easy 2-Ingredient Slime Recipe

For a quick and easy slime recipe, follow along and make slime in less than a minute. The only ingredients you need to pull this off are dish soap and cornstarch. The result is not the best of all the recipes, but it helps teach kids the power of combining only a few things to create something brand new.

Which slime recipe did we love the most?

This video gives our honest review of which slime recipes yield the best results. Follow along with our personal favorite, or try out all four recipes and judge for yourself.

Grab our free slime activity worksheet

slime activity worksheet

Fill out the form on this page to get your worksheet. This worksheet is the perfect aid to making slime in the classroom, with multiple interactive activities. First, students jot down what they already know about making slime, what they want to know about the process, and then finally what they learned after the activity. Then, there are sheets of step-by-step instructions to hand out to each student in order to short-cut the process with minimal questions. Afterwards, students can draw their slime to visually reflect on the process.

Additional Reflection Questions

  1. What did you observe while you were mixing the ingredients together to make the slime?
  2. What do you think would happen if you changed the quantities of the ingredients?
  3. If you exchanged one of the ingredients in your slime for something different, what would it be and why?
  4. What factors might affect the results of this experiment?

Looking for more experiment ideas? Check out our big list of experiment ideas here.

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