Home Apple Localhost has stopped working on Chrome and Safari since upgrading to Big Sur – how do I get this to work again?

Localhost has stopped working on Chrome and Safari since upgrading to Big Sur – how do I get this to work again?

Localhost has stopped working on Chrome and Safari since upgrading to Big Sur – how do I get this to work again?

I use localhost to develop WordPress websites locally but since upgrading to BigSur, I cannot get localhost to show my local websites.

My set up is MacBook Pro with Big Sur v11.4.
I use MAMP software v6.3 for my local server environment
I have tried to open local websites on Safari 14.1.1 and Chrome Version 91.0.4472.101
There’s been brief intermittent success in an incognito Chrome Window and in Safari when I first tried to use localhost:8888 but that was only when I was able to use http and not https (when unsuccessful it redirects to https: and fails).

With MAMP running…

When I type ‘localhost’ in either browser – I get “it works!”

https://localhost:8888‘ returns
On Chrome: “This site can’t provide a secure connection localhost sent an invalid response. ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR”

On Safari: “Safari can’t open the page “https://localhost:8888″ because Safari can’t establish a secure connection to the server localhost”

I try to type in http only but it always redirects to https: in both browsers

When I use an incognito window in Safari – the website displays as expected but

In Chrome incognito – it returns “This site can’t provide a secure connection localhost sent an invalid response. ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR”

It seems like it’s https: causing a problem but I don’t know if that’s a correct assumption or how to fix it. Can anyone help to identify the problem and how to fix please as it’s really impacting my ability to work.

I have asked Apple for support but as it’s not clear where the issue lies they haven’t really taken this on as their problem.


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