Home Artificial Intelligence A time-series extension for sparklyr

A time-series extension for sparklyr

A time-series extension for sparklyr

In this blog post, we will showcase sparklyr.flint, a brand new sparklyr extension providing a simple and intuitive R interface to the Flint time series library. sparklyr.flint is available on CRAN today and can be installed as follows:

Apache Spark with the familiar idioms, tools, and paradigms for data transformation and data modelling in R. It allows data pipelines working well with non-distributed data in R to be easily transformed into analogous ones that can process large-scale, distributed data in Apache Spark.

Instead of summarizing everything sparklyr has to offer in a few sentences, which is impossible to do, this section will solely focus on a small subset of sparklyr functionalities that are relevant to connecting to Apache Spark from R, importing time series data from external data sources to Spark, and also simple transformations which are typically part of data pre-processing steps.

Connecting to an Apache Spark cluster

The first step in using sparklyr is to connect to Apache Spark. Usually this means one of the following:

  • Running Apache Spark locally on your machine, and connecting to it to test, debug, or to execute quick demos that don’t require a multi-node Spark cluster:

  • Connecting to a multi-node Apache Spark cluster that is managed by a cluster manager such as YARN, e.g.,

    sc <- spark_connect(master = "yarn-client", spark_home = "/usr/lib/spark")

Importing external data to Spark

Making external data available in Spark is easy with sparklyr given the large number of data sources sparklyr supports. For example, given an R dataframe, such as

the command to copy it to a Spark dataframe with 3 partitions is simply

sdf <- copy_to(sc, dat, name = "unique_name_of_my_spark_dataframe", repartition = 3L)

Similarly, there are options for ingesting data in CSV, JSON, ORC, AVRO, and many other well-known formats into Spark as well:

sdf_csv <- spark_read_csv(sc, name = "another_spark_dataframe", path = "file:///tmp/file.csv", repartition = 3L)
  # or
  sdf_json <- spark_read_json(sc, name = "yet_another_one", path = "file:///tmp/file.json", repartition = 3L)
  # or spark_read_orc, spark_read_avro, etc

Transforming a Spark dataframe

With sparklyr, the simplest and most readable way to transformation a Spark dataframe is by using dplyr verbs and the pipe operator (%>%) from magrittr.

Sparklyr supports a large number of dplyr verbs. For example,

Ensures sdf only contains rows with non-null IDs, and then squares the value column of each row.

That’s about it for a quick intro to sparklyr. You can learn more in sparklyr.ai, where you will find links to reference material, books, communities, sponsors, and much more.

Flint is a powerful open-source library for working with time-series data in Apache Spark. First of all, it supports efficient computation of aggregate statistics on time-series data points having the same timestamp (a.k.a summarizeCycles in Flint nomenclature), within a given time window (a.k.a., summarizeWindows), or within some given time intervals (a.k.a summarizeIntervals). It can also join two or more time-series datasets based on inexact match of timestamps using asof join functions such as LeftJoin and FutureLeftJoin. The author of Flint has outlined many more of Flint’s major functionalities in this article, which I found to be extremely helpful when working out how to build sparklyr.flint as a simple and straightforward R interface for such functionalities.

Readers wanting some direct hands-on experience with Flint and Apache Spark can go through the following steps to run a minimal example of using Flint to analyze time-series data:

The alternative to making sparklyr.flint a sparklyr extension is to bundle all time-series functionalities it provides with sparklyr itself. We decided that this would not be a good idea because of the following reasons:

  • Not all sparklyr users will need those time-series functionalities
  • com.twosigma:flint:0.6.0 and all Maven packages it transitively relies on are quite heavy dependency-wise
  • Implementing an intuitive R interface for Flint also takes a non-trivial number of R source files, and making all of that part of sparklyr itself would be too much

So, considering all of the above, building sparklyr.flint as an extension of sparklyr seems to be a much more reasonable choice.

Recently sparklyr.flint has had its first successful release on CRAN. At the moment, sparklyr.flint only supports the summarizeCycle and summarizeWindow functionalities of Flint, and does not yet support asof join and other useful time-series operations. While sparklyr.flint contains R interfaces to most of the summarizers in Flint (one can find the list of summarizers currently supported by sparklyr.flint in here), there are still a few of them missing (e.g., the support for OLSRegressionSummarizer, among others).

In general, the goal of building sparklyr.flint is for it to be a thin “translation layer” between sparklyr and Flint. It should be as simple and intuitive as possibly can be, while supporting a rich set of Flint time-series functionalities.

We cordially welcome any open-source contribution towards sparklyr.flint. Please visit https://github.com/r-spark/sparklyr.flint/issues if you would like to initiate discussions, report bugs, or propose new features related to sparklyr.flint, and https://github.com/r-spark/sparklyr.flint/pulls if you would like to send pull requests.

  • First and foremost, the author wishes to thank Javier (@javierluraschi) for proposing the idea of creating sparklyr.flint as the R interface for Flint, and for his guidance on how to build it as an extension to sparklyr.

  • Both Javier (@javierluraschi) and Daniel (@dfalbel) have offered numerous helpful tips on making the initial submission of sparklyr.flint to CRAN successful.

  • We really appreciate the enthusiasm from sparklyr users who were willing to give sparklyr.flint a try shortly after it was released on CRAN (and there were quite a few downloads of sparklyr.flint in the past week according to CRAN stats, which was quite encouraging for us to see). We hope you enjoy using sparklyr.flint.

  • The author is also grateful for valuable editorial suggestions from Mara (@batpigandme), Sigrid (@skeydan), and Javier (@javierluraschi) on this blog post.

Thanks for reading!


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