Saturday, January 18, 2025

macos – How do I find an Initialization folder for an App?

Edit for more clarification:

I work with this software called CASA, which stands for Common Astronomy Software Applications, and it just works on linux and MacOS. In the Mac tutorial, it asks you to download the dmg and drag the application to the “aplication”folder, I did it and the software was installed all good, but I cannot find the application folder when I’m in the terminal.

I have to download the Analysis Utilities package (analysis_utils.tar) as the Analysis Utilities (or analysisUtils for short) is a small set of Python source code files that provide a number of analysis and plotting utilities.

But I’m new to macOS. Like, I got my Mac on July 27th.

in the tutorial, it tells me:

  1. Edit your existing casa initialization file (in CASA6: $HOME$/.casa/ or create a new file if it does not already exist, and add the following:
import sys
import analysisUtils as au

where /PATH_TO_ANALYSIS_SCRIPTS/ is the path to the directory you just extracted from the tar ball. When this is done, start casapy and you will have access to all the functions contained in the
analysisUtils module.”

But I cannot find where the CASA initialization file is located. And the file they used as exemple is how it is on the linux one.
I tried to create a file in another place, but it returns me with:

command not found: import

So I don’t really know what to do, as I could not find anything about the command import not being found.

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