Home E-Learning How to Set Up Multiple Text Boxes with Specific Answer Requirements (Adobe Captivate Classic)

How to Set Up Multiple Text Boxes with Specific Answer Requirements (Adobe Captivate Classic)

How to Set Up Multiple Text Boxes with Specific Answer Requirements (Adobe Captivate Classic)

This tutorial guides you through setting up an interactive slide with text boxes, visual feedback for correct and incorrect answers, and a mechanism for users to make multiple attempts.

Start by preparing your slide with the required number of text boxes. For this tutorial, we will use four text boxes. Add visual indicators (ticks and crosses) for each text box to show correct or incorrect answers. Include a submit button that users will click to check their answers.

Next, create a variable to help reset the answers, allowing users to attempt multiple times. Give it a name, and set its initial value to 0. Assign this variable to the slide and add an action to increment this variable by 1 every time the slide is entered. Enable the option to “Continue Playing the Project.”

To create the advanced actions, start with the first decision. In the Condition Tab, check if the variable you created is greater than 0 and verify if the text box contains the correct word, such as ‘heads’ in this case. In the Actions Tab, if the condition is true, hide the incorrect symbol for the text box and show the correct symbol. If the condition is false, show the incorrect symbol and hide the correct symbol.

Repeat this process for each of the four text boxes. Duplicate the decision for each text box and ensure each decision correctly references its respective text box and corresponding symbols.

Create a final decision to check all answers. In the Condition Tab, verify that all text boxes contain the correct answers. In the Actions Tab, hide the submit button to prevent further attempts, add a short delay (e.g., one second) to display the correct symbols before proceeding, hide all correct symbols, and then continue to the next slide or action.

Finally, assign the created advanced action to the submit button to ensure all conditions and actions are triggered upon clicking.

This setup allows users to input answers, receive instant feedback, and attempt multiple times if needed, enhancing the learning experience.

Aaron Bailey @ Learn Now


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