Home Language Learning Something exciting is coming… – Busuu Blog

Something exciting is coming… – Busuu Blog

Something exciting is coming… – Busuu Blog

By popular demand–your most requested feature!

Picture this. You’re learning a new language. You’re making real progress with your reading, writing and listening, but you’re struggling with speaking.


Almost half of the language learners we spoke to told us their number one language-learning problem is not having anyone to practise with, and over a third said that mispronunciation is embarrassing. If either (or both) of these reasons is stopping you from joining the conversation, then we want to fix that.

Elevate your speaking skills

We’re fully committed to delivering new and exciting ways for you to improve your speaking and pronunciation skills, starting with our upcoming release.

Your most requested feature, coming very soon, will give you the instant, personalised, and actionable feedback you need to build pronunciation confidence. By pairing videos of real native speakers with the latest AI technology, you’ll be getting a brand-new way to transform your speaking skills.

This is just the beginning! We’re busy working behind the scenes, combining our language learning know-how with advancements in AI to give you even more in late 2024.

What do our beta testers think?

“I really like the immediate pronunciation feedback – pronunciation tips generated were very useful…” – John, USA (learning Spanish)

“[Speaking practice] boosted my confidence because if I can mimic the way a native speaker pronounces then I [can show off] in front of my native Spanish friends…” – Mario, Germany (learning Spanish)

How and when can you try it out?

Our new feature is coming soon to iOS devices near you in our Complete Spanish, English, French and German courses.

Want to be the first to know when the new feature goes live? Look for more news in your inbox, and keep an eye on our social media!

Not already learning a language with Busuu?

Don’t miss out on new ways to learn your favourite language, and sign up for free today!


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