Nicolas is an airline pilot and a consultant for aviation and educational companies. Working internationally across multiple career fields in roles where innovation and entrepreneurship are key, Nicolas recently chose to advance his skills by earning the Executive MSc in Innovation and Entrepreneurship from HEC Paris on Coursera. Since HEC Paris is known for having the #1 Business School in Europe thanks to its ranking from the Financial Times, Nicolas could be sure he was pursuing an impressive education and credential—and soon, in the program, he’d connect with professionals on other continents and discover concepts that span industries.
From the very first moment that Nicolas begins talking about his time with HEC Paris on Coursera, it’s clear he’s happy with the decision he’s made for himself and proud of the difference he’s making in his life. Starting with the reputation of the school from which he’s earned his degree, Nicolas declares, “It is an HEC Paris degree, one of the best business schools in the world.” Then, while discussing what sets the program apart, Nicolas observes, “It does cover all the topics from an MBA, but with more content in both innovation and entrepreneurship.” He also notes, “It is not very expensive compared to diplomas from the same kind of world-class business schools.”
Turning his attention to the student experience, Nicolas explains, “It is a 100% online degree, which means it is suitable with a professional and a family life.” He adds that, “Coursera is a very user-friendly platform. It is easy to use it to learn.” With this flexibility and accessibility, Nicolas found what many learners look for in an online program—and because of the prominence of HEC Paris and the Coursera platform, Nicolas could go above and beyond by connecting with peers and alumni around the globe before and after graduation.
With mentorship from business leaders, students in the program do a team project that requires them to form a start-up company that can attract business developers and investors. Several of these projects have become real-life companies. For Nicolas, the project was an opportunity to work with others on a global level, as his team included members from Turkey, Botswana, Canada, and Switzerland. Ultimately, it was one of the countless ways he enjoyed the diverse perspectives that are consistently part of the student experience. He tells us, “The network is huge. I remember, in my cohort, we were something like 40 nationalities. Now, I can call New York, Tokyo, London, Zurich—and this is wonderful.”
Providing even more insight on how past, present, and future students can get the most out of their relationship with HEC Paris, Nicolas points out a lot of the resources that are available. Among those he mentions are the alumni association, as well as conferences and other networking events. He also offers the HEC Foundation as an example, which helps fund certain projects at the university.
Today, while working internationally as both a pilot and consultant, Nicolas is applying what he’s learned from HEC Paris in more than one career field. He confidently states, “You learn how to work and how to be efficient. Like, for example, I use the ‘deep work’ concept I have discovered in the school. Every morning, with my mobile phone off, I work three hours on my projects. Full of energy, you achieve a lot.” He then reveals, “You also learn how to dare and to be very solution-oriented. What is the problem and what are the solutions. HEC Paris helps you to go one step further every day.”
After all that Nicolas has shared, it’s inspiring to hear him sum everything up by saying, “I feel so lucky to be an HEC graduate. This is where projects start, as well as human relationships for life. Thanks to the HEC Paris [degree], I have been Development Director of an aviation [enterprise], Crew Resource Management Trainer for an airline, and I have developed my consulting activities.” Nicolas is in great company too, as he’s joined a multitude of HEC Paris alumni succeeding in their own industries. If Nicolas has inspired you to take the same degree path for your career, check out the Executive MSc in Innovation and Entrepreneurship today.